
A licensing claim involves filing a complaint with the state unit responsible for licensing the care provider in question. After receiving your complaint, a licensing unit will investigate your claim, speaking with the alleged wrongdoers and other witnesses (including the victim if possible) and reviewing medical and other records.  If investigators are able to prove your complaint, they will penalize the provider involved, with punishments ranging from a “black letter” in their state file to payment of fines.  Occasionally a care provider’s license may be temporarily suspended.

A list of common licensing units, with complaint phone numbers and forms for each, is as follows:

Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Home Health:

Department of Public Health
(916) 552-8700


California Medical Board
(916) 263-2382

Assisted Living Facilities

Department of Social Services
(916) 657-2592

Individual Nurses

Board of Registered Nurses
(916) 557-1213
Board of Licensed Vocational Nursing
(916) 263-7827

Other resources for filing complaints beside licensing agencies include Adult Protective Services and the Local Ombudsman.  If these agencies find wrongdoing, they will file a complaint with the relevant licensing board; if they do, however, the licensing board may not be required to notify you of its findings (as it would if you were the one who filed the licensing complaint).