Welcome to our law office

Litigating claims on behalf of elders, dependent adults and their families since 1997.

We Fight Care Home Abuse and Neglect

Litigating claims on behalf of elders, dependent adults and their families since 1997.

We Care for You, and We Get Results

Litigating claims on behalf of elders, dependent adults and their families since 1997.

Experienced and Skilled Legal Representation

Litigating claims on behalf of elders, dependent adults and their families since 1997.

Call Toll-free (800) 799-9710

Welcome to our Law Office

We represent victims or their families in cases of abuse or neglect by hospitals, doctors, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home health agencies and other care providers. The Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA) protects elders (persons at least 65 years old) and dependent adults from such mistreatment by encouraging lawyers to sue on their behalf. Before EADACPA, wrongdoers often avoided responsibility for their acts by stonewalling claims until elderly victims passed away, at which point such lawsuits lost most of their value. EADACPA eliminated this loophole, and holds bad actors responsible even for those who die as a result of very bad care.

We have extensive experience with suits against those who abuse or neglect California’s elders and dependent adults. In addition to suits against private care providers, we pursue arbitration against Kaiser Permanente and claims against government-owned hospitals and the Veterans Administration. We also handle similar claims by dependent adults of any age, as well as medical malpractice claims in general.

If you or your loved one were hurt in an elder-care setting, there is a good chance we can help. We work on contingency, which means we bear the costs of cases we pursue and are not paid a fee or reimbursed costs unless we obtain compensation for you. Please explore our site to learn more about what we do, what your options are, how to contact us, and what role you can play in improving elder and dependent adult care.

The Big Lie, and Common Types of Injuries

Families with elderly loved ones too often are told to have low expectations regarding an elder’s condition and care. “Falls are bound to happen,” they are told, “we can’t force mom to eat,” and “pneumonia is the old person’s friend.” For example, having been told their loved one died of “end-stage Alzheimer’s disease” in less than one year, many families are shocked to learn that on average, death from Alzheimer’s occurs over a period of five to seven years. Too often it is poor care that caused a loved one’s death.

Elders in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities or even at home under home health care can suffer many different kinds of injuries. But certain types of injuries seem to happen most often. These types of injuries are caused by a care provider’s repeated failure to provide basic, necessary care — failures that typically result from understaffing, poorly qualified staff, lack of training or inadequate supervision by management.

Malnutrition, Dehydration

Failure to help patients eat and drink can lead to weight-loss and other injuries.


Bedsores, Aputations

Skin wounds, often on a patient’s backside or feet, can and should be prevented.


Falls & Fractures

Caregivers have a duty to monitor, help and protect patients who wander or walk unsafely.


Constipation, Urinary Tract Infections

Failure to address dehydration and poor hygiene can cause other, more severe harms.



From UTIs to pneumonia to gangrene, bad injuries result from bad care.


Contractures, Overmedication

Weak patients have a right to move, with help if needed, and their limbs will freeze if they don’t.


Free Case Evaluation

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Our Team

Anthony Ghecea

Anthony Ghecea



  • University of Michigan Law School – Juris Doctor 1996
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – Bachelor of Arts, Honors English, 1994

Past Legal Experience

  • Goodwin & Ghecea, 2019 – 2024
  • Law Office of Anthony D. Ghecea, 2004 – 2019
  • Law Office of David M. Jamieson, 1997 – 2004
Keith White

Keith White



  • Western Seminary, Portland, OR– Master of Divinity
  • Warner Pacific University – Bachelor of Science – Human Development 2008
  • United States Air Force – Certifications in Paralegal Studies, Law Office Management, Office Administration

Past Work Experience

  • Law Offices of Goodwin & Ghecea, 2020 –2024
  • Office of Administrative Hearings – Vancouver, WA (2003 – 2010)
  • Unnamed Law Office – Portland, OR (2001 – 2002)
  • Staff Judge Advocate Office (Tyndall AFB, FL; Yokota AB, Japan; Kelley AFB, TX; Mountain Home AFB, ID) (1984 – 2001)
Laurel Jacobs

Laurel Jacobs

Legal Assistant


  • University of California, Berkeley
    – Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, 2013

Past Work Experience

  • Law Offices of Goodwin & Ghecea, 2019 – 2024
  • Senior Advocacy Network, Senior Law Project, 2017 – 2019
  • Law Office of Michael G. Loeffler, 2014 – 2017
Marisa Rey

Marisa Rey

Project Manager


  • University of California – Los Angeles
    – Project Management Certification, 1999
  • California State University – Northridge – Bachelor of Arts, Research Psychology, 1994

Past Work Experience

  • Law Offices of Goodwin & Ghecea, 2019 – 2024
  • Kaiser Permanente, Health Care Finance, 1998 – 2001

Welcome to our Law Office

Litigation is a long process. Before we decide to pursue your claim, and even moreso after, there will be long periods when we are working on your case but you may not hear much from us. Though we may not yet have much to report, please do not hesitate to call at any time for an update.

All people are equal before the law. A good attorney is what makes a difference.

Attorneys in practice since 1983

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?”


– Satchel Paige

“[T]he moral test of government is how that government treats … those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly [and] those who are in the shadows of life, the sick.”


– Hubert Humphrey

Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is … to look after orphans and widows in their distress.


– James 1:27

“Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?”


– The Beatles

Elder Litigation 101

Lawsuit VS. Licensing

Learn your options for holding care providers accountable, and when to use them.

Who is Entitled to Sue?

The person who calls our office about a lawsuit isn’t always a person eligible to participate in the case.

Types of Claims and Damages

The causes of action in a lawsuit determine the types of damages that the suing party may obtain.

How Wrongdoers Get Off

Learn your options for holding care providers accountable, and when to use them.

How Lawyers Investigate

At some point our office will call you seeking information, documents, or a date for your deposition.


The Tough Road to Compensation

Knowing the issues that affect your case’s value can help you assess what reasonable compensation would be.

Protecting Your Award from Liens

Third parties that pay for an elder’s care may try to seek reimbursement against your case.

Getting Good Care

We’ve learned a little about what it takes to get good elder care. Here are some tips.

No costs of fees if no recovery